Thursday, May 24, 2012

Conservative Decision Leads to Conservatives' Outrage

Not that I want to promote any further attention to Fox News, but this caught my eye and I couldn't resist:

Good ol' Fox News.  Way to make it sound as if the school lacked support for the troops - atta boy!  Idiots.  It had nothing to do with the Marine Corps and everything to do with the fact that the back of the shirt shows a Bulldog's parts intact.  Clearly, the school felt it was a distraction. Teenagers think images like that are hilarious.  Anyone that has spent more than five minutes with them knows that.  Whether or not it was a distraction, or offensive to anyone, is not my point, though.

I love my country, support our troops, and think the T-shirt in question is freaking awesome.  I would let my son wear it.  I want one for myself!  What I don't love is how this incident was twisted and stretched into something it wasn't.  Making little brother hide Corps logo?  I think not.  

The Corps logo looks like this:

Not this:

Pitting people against a school over something like this is petty and childish. So far it doesn't seem the school did anything wrong.  Had the shirt been without a Marine Corps reference this wouldn't have even been a story, and they still would have asked him to turn the shirt inside out, even if it did come as a gift from his bigger brother serving with the Marines.

The original story is here, on the Marine Times, and this part didn't come as a surprise to me at all:

After leaving the school, Griffith called “The Rush Limbaugh Show,” a conservative syndicated radio program. The host seemed surprised to hear this incident had happened in Mississippi.
“Now your kid can’t wear a T-shirt given to him by a member of the U.S. military that espouses a positive character trait, leadership?” Limbaugh asked on his show. “… People are fed up. They’re fed up with being told what they can’t eat, and what they can and can’t do in their own yards and in their own homes. It’s just not America anymore.”
Parker, the superintendent, was dismayed to read the show’s transcript.
“It’s almost absurd that anyone would accuse us here in Mississippi of being anti-military,” he said. “We recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. This very school has sent cards and letters to our troops overseas.” 

It's just not America anymore?  LOL at Rush Limbaugh!  That guy has to be the most entertaining moron I have ever had the displeasure of reading and listening to in my life.  They asked the boy to hide a picture of a dog's junk.  Period.  What in the hell does that have to do with what we eat, what we do in our yard, or what we do in our homes?  I'm surprised he didn't blame Obama for this.  Conservatives want schools to be conservative.  Well, guess what, they got what they asked for.  Feeling uncomfortable around a picture of testicles seems pretty conservative to me, don't you think?

Before anyone shoots back saying the schools should concentrate on the girls that dress like hookers - they do.  You think they don't but they do.  Skirts have to be a certain length, boobs aren't allowed to hang out, etc.  If they show up at school breaking a dress code they're asked to change or leave.  This is not the only time a school has ever enforced a dress code, and it won't be the last.  Use your critical thinking skills.  This is about a school's dress code, not America's dress code (or lack thereof).

Yes, people walk dogs out in public everyday.  Some people get a little flush when they see the backside of the male dog struttin' his stuff.  Other people wear shirts with pretty offensive pictures or words on them everyday.  In America (hey, Rush, listen up) we can't tell those people on the streets to cover the dogs, or turn their shirts inside out.  But in schools we can, and have been for a very, very long time

Personally, I feel sorry for Parker, and the teachers of the school.  They made a decision that they probably have to make on a daily basis and were attacked for it.  My suggestion for him is to go one of two ways:

1) Apologize, and let him wear the shirt, thereby allowing the rest of the student body to wear shirts with dangling parts showing.


2) Stick to their guns, and tell the student body the uniform policy starts in 30 days if they have a problem with it.

Then they can have a "Military Appreciation Day" asking all of the students to wear the logos of each branch.  Logos.  



  1. I am blown away that people still listen to Rush Limbaugh. He and Michael Savage are two of the absolute most intolerable personalities in radio.
