Monday, May 14, 2012

You're Not the Boss of Me!

I want to sign my son up for soccer, so I can be a rogue soccer mom that brings in fruit for snacks.  Not necessarily to provide healthful food for the kids (that would be a bonus), but more so to piss off the whining parents that are flinging poo at the idea of passing the junk food aisle for the produce section.

I have been reading posts and scrolling through comments on some food blogs.  A Soccer Snack Aha! Moment led me to read this post which led me to read hundreds of other comments, and so on and so forth.  Parents nationwide are toe to toe in the battle of claiming their rights to serve whatever the heck they want to other parents' children.  Ridiculous.  If I had to choose a side, though, it would be the moms that just want the kids to eat well.  I don't want to support the mom that reacts in such a way that reminds me of my son when he was in the phase of telling everyone "You're not the boss of me!".

Moms are so defensive, and angry, about not being able to bring their cupcakes, or cookies, or cases of soda for snacks.  I remember a comment by a mother who said she emailed her son's coach and recommended that the snacks be limited to fruit and water.  The coach brought it up with the other parents and the poo went flying.  The woman was immediately the enemy.  So I ask, how is this good for the little players?

As kids, if my brother and I couldn't agree on something my mother would finally get tired of the bickering and tell us we both lose.  Maybe this needs to happen on the ball fields.  Parents need to come to an agreement that is in the best interest of the children; they need to set aside their fantasies of being the "cool mom" and be an adult about it.  Ostracizing a mother for suggesting strawberries and water rather than cream filled puffs and soda is not being an adult.  Grow up, or feed your kids at home and take snack time out of the equation all together (hell, most parents would gladly give up their day to remember to bring the snacks).

On a similar note, my son's school doesn't allow parents to bring in cupcakes for birthday parties.  My reaction to this?  YAHOO!  Seriously, not all of us have the dream of floating into a Kindergarten class on a cloud, cupcakes in hand.  I have too much respect for the teachers to load the kids up with sugar then leave.  

With all that said, McWoman Daily will not be a food blog.  I will most likely offend at least one person with each post.  However, I do pledge not to attack your race, religion, sexual orientation, or political party (although, I may write about specific political figures should I feel compelled).

Thank you for reading my first post :).



  1. Good job! Can't wait to read the next one. I'm proud of you.

  2. Thank you! I have several others that I'm editing so I may post a lot for the next few days.

  3. I, however, cannot promise that I will avoid offending anyone's race, religion, or political party.

    I agree that children are fed incredibly poorly these days. The volume of soda consumed by the average American child is mingboggling. Parents fill their children with high fructose corn syrup and caffeine and then wonder why they can't pay attention in school and are hard to control. Then they stick them in front of the television and play on their iPads. It's a whole domino effect of poor or half-assed parenting that, in my lone opinion, is deteriorating the quality of upbringing in the youth. Make your kid go outside, and send them out with a bottle of water and a banana. It will be good for them.
